Redefining Filipino Time through Project W.A.T.C.H

June 2024


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Time is gold. It is so precious that it should not be wasted. 

Aside from real life experiences, schools make us realize the importance of time. It teaches the value of time when teachers give deadlines for the submission of homework;


when classes must start on time, when your classmates wait for you to finish an activity so you can have the break time together, and when you need to manage a schedule to finish pile of activities for 5 to 10 subjects. Having time management contributes to having a healthy mind and goal-oriented approach in life.

Schools prioritize having such value. In fact, the Department of Education now participates in advocacy programs like Project W.A.T.C.H. which stands for “We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty.” This is led by JCI Senate Philippines and aims to strengthen two core values– punctuality and honesty. In the Division of Bulacan, San Pedro National High School is one of the WATCH schools which started in the year 2019.


Various activities are executed by the school to make sure that learners, teachers, school personnel and the community begin to make punctuality a habit. Reward system is integrated to encourage everyone.


During quarterly parent-teacher conferences, a certificate and simple token are given to the early bird of each class. Teachers also receive recognition for having perfect attendance for the time being. Moreover, the value for time consciousness is integrated in class discussions, lesson planning, and school activities. This time of pandemic, the school’s social media account served as a constant reminder on the importance of time.


Certainly, tardiness rate in the school significantly decreased during the face-to-face classes. More learners were able to catch up with the lessons from their first period and disruption of classes caused by late comers was lessened. In addition, teachers were motivated to come to school earlier and managed their time effectively. Meanwhile, during the course of distance learning, learners and their parents continued to show their sense of time by submitting their modules on time. While for online classes, the discipline to use time wisely was given more attention since learners are the ones who manipulate their time at home.


Essentially, having the ability to manage time effectively is crucial during the pandemic. Since most of us are in a work-from-home set up, individuals might be easily distracted by house chores and become complacent. But it is also self-rewarding when things get done on time. It helps to avoid stress brought by pressure. Take time to write on a planner, create a schedule, or use an alarm clock as a reminder. There are many beautiful ways to cope up with the challenges brought by the pandemic. Thankfully, programs like Project W.A.T.C.H reinforce the usefulness of having time con sci ou sn ess.


Filipino time is ancient and should be removed in our system. As Filipinos, we must cherish the value of time. It is not too late to restart.


III, San Pedro National High School

Author: II Charlaine R. Bautista
